Friday, January 08, 2010

New year resolution

Hihi, I know that I've been absent for quite a while. Two continuous flu, Siggraph Asia, holidays in HK and Macao with someone vaguely cute (yeah, don't you dare to deny it, your cuteness does come in a pretty weird way...), and went through a car accident together. So dear friends, please celebrate our reunion here! We were not that far away from farewell forever...

Although my belief turns more and more to the randomness of destiny, I'd like to have a review of the old fulfilled-or-not new year resolutions and make some new ones :) Okay, here comes resolution of 2009:

1. higher salary: 9.5%, hmm, let's call it a done...
2. a new notebook pc: done. I love my new vaio SR93 :)
3. a trip with parents in Japan: not yet. Should definitely do it within 2010!
4. a new camera: bought 3 cameras as presents for others, 3 toy camera for myself... Fine, I'll mark it as done since I borrowed my mother's Nikon F75.
5. meet Hongfei every two months: we met 6 times, respectively in January, March, May, June, November, and December. Half done...
6. save 50k rmb: done!

And the unexpected ones:
1. got a second-author Siggraph Asia paper, and presented it in Japanese.
2. submitted a patent application, in Japanese!
3. a 2-week trip in Europe. And Jin and I met again at the Oktoberfest! Yeah~~
4. finally turned to linux (thanks to vista Japanese version)

Now the 2010's! Though I told Seb to be more ambitious with resolutions, I don't really plan to set a such example here. At least I hope it won't be ;) Random order:
1. publish one paper, and apply 3 patents
2. present my demo at in-house exposition
3. a trip with parents in Japan
4. a trip with Hongfei
5. pass French B2
6. pass German B1
7. pass JLPT Lv.1 (I do hope this one is already done...)
8. be able to run a full marathon (no matter how much time it takes me...)
9. on pointe in the August performance
10. save 100k rmb (I'm indeed very ambitious here!)

In fact, when I was writing them down, I even have already decided those for 2011 as well. I hate myself -____-

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