Sunday, January 31, 2010

Run! 10/01/31 First 10km match

Getting up at 6am to run a 10km match is a disaster. Though the result turned out to be quite acceptable for me (59'20''), it takes me the whole afternoon and evening to recover. Maybe I should slow down and spend 10 more minutes to make myself feel better afterwards. I felt cold during the last 500 meters, which never happened during practice.

Anyway, the whole run was not bad :) And I decided to simply call off the half next month. I am not ready at all, and I must protect my ankle carefully for the performance in August. On pointe is not a joke neither.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010














Sunday, January 24, 2010

Run! 10/01/23 prepare for longer distance

Tried for a full circle between the two bridges over Tama River, but skipped the 0.7kmx2 from home to running trail. 7.1km/47min, which is approximately 9km/h, so I should be able to finish 10km in 1.5 hour with no big problem next weekday. However, I must admit that after 5km, it becomes much more uncomfortable...

A picture of the trail :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The best order confirmation email I've ever get

is this one from Better World Books:

"Hello ***(my name),

(Your book(s) asked to write you a personal note - it seemed unusual, but who are we to say no?)

Holy canasta! It's me... it's me! I can't believe it is actually me! You could have picked any of over 2 million books but you picked me! I've got to get packed! How is the weather where you live? Will I need a dust jacket? I can't believe I'm leaving Mishawaka, Indiana already - the friendly people, the Hummer plant, the Linebacker Lounge - so many memories. I don't have much time to say goodbye to everyone, but it's time to see the world!

I can't wait to meet you! You sound like such a well read person. Although, I have to say, it sure has taken you a while! I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but how would you like to spend five months sandwiched between Jane Eyre (drama queen) and Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (pyromaniac)? At least Jane was an upgrade from that stupid book on brewing beer. How many times did the ol' brewmaster have one too many and topple off our shelf at 2am?

I know the trip to meet you will be long and fraught with peril, but after the close calls I've had, I'm ready for anything (besides, some of my best friends are suspense novels). Just five months ago, I thought I was a goner. My owner was moving and couldn't take me with her. I was sure I was landfill bait until I ended up in a Better World Books book drive bin. Thanks to your socially conscious book shopping, I've found a new home. Even better, your book buying dollars are helping kids read from Brazil to Botswana.

But hey, enough about me, I've been asked to brief you on a few things: ..."

The rest part is my order information, a
nd the sender's signature is names of the books I ordered. Can you imagine how much I'm looking forward to meeting them?! I just love books, and love the people who love books as I do :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

wubi ubuntu 9.10 installing issue

It is reported by several people, and unfortunately observed by myself that wubi 9.10 installation will drop into grub after a seems-very-successful-install. Potential solutions are:

1. manually download the 32bit version to go with your 32bit windows, or
2. do NOT choose 30G when installing the 64bit version with a 32bit windows

2 seems a better and easier choice, and 29G worked perfectly with my XP (at least so far).

Wish you good luck!

PS: I still don't think that there are much difference between Wubi and normal dual os installation...

autocompletion with vim+ctags

I wonder how many times I have googled for this recently... So why not some notes to save some time :)

Step 1: install vim
Step 2: install ctags
Step 3: download omnicpp
Step 4: download tags for stl etc.
Step 5: set up .vimrc

Generally, follow instruction of this link should be able to get everything done:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Run! 10/01/17 5km

今天有意识地提高了一点速度,5km/31'46'',凑凑合合吧。看来月底的10km有戏在1小时10分钟以内跑下来,不过3月那个half实在有点勉强... 考虑直接翘掉了事:P


Monday, January 11, 2010

Run! 10/01/10 再出发




Friday, January 08, 2010

New year resolution

Hihi, I know that I've been absent for quite a while. Two continuous flu, Siggraph Asia, holidays in HK and Macao with someone vaguely cute (yeah, don't you dare to deny it, your cuteness does come in a pretty weird way...), and went through a car accident together. So dear friends, please celebrate our reunion here! We were not that far away from farewell forever...

Although my belief turns more and more to the randomness of destiny, I'd like to have a review of the old fulfilled-or-not new year resolutions and make some new ones :) Okay, here comes resolution of 2009:

1. higher salary: 9.5%, hmm, let's call it a done...
2. a new notebook pc: done. I love my new vaio SR93 :)
3. a trip with parents in Japan: not yet. Should definitely do it within 2010!
4. a new camera: bought 3 cameras as presents for others, 3 toy camera for myself... Fine, I'll mark it as done since I borrowed my mother's Nikon F75.
5. meet Hongfei every two months: we met 6 times, respectively in January, March, May, June, November, and December. Half done...
6. save 50k rmb: done!

And the unexpected ones:
1. got a second-author Siggraph Asia paper, and presented it in Japanese.
2. submitted a patent application, in Japanese!
3. a 2-week trip in Europe. And Jin and I met again at the Oktoberfest! Yeah~~
4. finally turned to linux (thanks to vista Japanese version)

Now the 2010's! Though I told Seb to be more ambitious with resolutions, I don't really plan to set a such example here. At least I hope it won't be ;) Random order:
1. publish one paper, and apply 3 patents
2. present my demo at in-house exposition
3. a trip with parents in Japan
4. a trip with Hongfei
5. pass French B2
6. pass German B1
7. pass JLPT Lv.1 (I do hope this one is already done...)
8. be able to run a full marathon (no matter how much time it takes me...)
9. on pointe in the August performance
10. save 100k rmb (I'm indeed very ambitious here!)

In fact, when I was writing them down, I even have already decided those for 2011 as well. I hate myself -____-