Sunday, November 29, 2009



在慕尼黑的Neue Pinakothek也看过一幅向日葵,但是和这幅很不一样。那幅是所谓的第三版,而这幅是凡高基于现藏于伦敦国立画廊的那幅第四版画的。两版之间区别不小,色调更加趋向金黄,而花也由盛放与半开之间转向了半谢了。不过和常见的明信片上不同,即使是这一版也并非是单纯的一片金黄,背景其实还是带着淡淡的青色调子的。果然看复制品无论如何不如看实物。By the way,有传闻说日本这幅其实是伪作,不知道是否如此...


Run! 09/11/28 Friend visiting

Running, no matter alone or not, is always an interesting game for me, though it seems that chatting with someone while running can indeed alleviate the feeling of tiredness. However, when it is someone who isn't so determined as me to finish certain kilometers, it can be also a good excuse to stop...

As a result, yesterday I did 6.2km/45min with a friend instead of the 10km/90min plan, but made fewer breaks. 7.3 min per kilometer, not bad at current stage, but still far from my resolution of 10km in one hour at the end of January. Work to do! Run run run!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Run! 09/11/23 Back!

Just had a long break for two weeks because of the ankle injury. Today I did a 5.1km/36min, better than I thought, but actual feeling was worse than usual. Apparently I need to run more regularly for more time!

Looking forward to the long run with a friend on Saturday!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


(太田纪念美术馆外观 引自太田纪念美术馆主页)




序章 花を着る ・・・花柄の着物に身を包む女性たち
Ⅰ.暮らしのなかの園芸 ・・・園芸に親しむ江戸っ子たち
Ⅱ.百花繚乱 江戸の園芸 ・・・浮世絵に描かれたさまざまな園芸植物
(百花盛开 江户的园艺--浮世绘中描绘的各种园艺植物)
Ⅲ.人気キャラクター 植木売り ・・・歌舞伎の役柄として登場する植木売り
(广受欢迎的角色 卖花人--歌舞伎中登场的卖花人角色)
Ⅳ.鉢植えにまつわる物語 ・・・謡曲「鉢の木」を題材にした浮世絵
Ⅵ.子どもたちの園芸知識 ・・・子供向けに描かれたおもちゃ絵
Ⅶ.花と緑の江戸の町 ・・・四季折々の花が咲く江戸の観光名所

(三代歌川豊国「四季花くらべの内 秋」 縁日に並ぶ園芸植物 引自太田纪念美术馆主页)


(歌川広重「名所江戸百景 亀戸梅屋舗」  梅の名所、亀戸 引自太田纪念美术馆主页)


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Five stages of grief

从网上看到的,Elisabeth Kübler Ross博士提出的关于人们在遇到悲剧性事件(从失去亲人到失恋etc)时的五阶段反应模型。

Five stages of grief - Elisabeth Kübler Ross

1 - Denial
Denial is a conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, reality, etc., relating to the situation concerned. It's a defence mechanism and perfectly natural. Some people can become locked in this stage when dealing with a traumatic change that can be ignored. Death of course is not particularly easy to avoid or evade indefinitely.

2 - Anger
Anger can manifest in different ways. People dealing with emotional upset can be angry with themselves, and/or with others, especially those close to them. Knowing this helps keep detached and non-judgemental when experiencing the anger of someone who is very upset.

3 - Bargaining
Traditionally the bargaining stage for people facing death can involve attempting to bargain with whatever God the person believes in. People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek to negotiate a compromise. For example "Can we still be friends?.." when facing a break-up. Bargaining rarely provides a sustainable solution, especially if it's a matter of life or death.

4 - Depression
Also referred to as preparatory grieving. In a way it's the dress rehearsal or the practice run for the 'aftermath' although this stage means different things depending on whom it involves. It's a sort of acceptance with emotional attachment. It's natural to feel sadness and regret, fear, uncertainty, etc. It shows that the person has at least begun to accept the reality.

5 - Acceptance
Again this stage definitely varies according to the person's situation, although broadly it is an indication that there is some emotional detachment and objectivity. People dying can enter this stage a long time before the people they leave behind, who must necessarily pass through their own individual stages of dealing with the grief.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy B Day!

Happy birthday to you, my dear friend! I haven't forgot, not yet...
Sorry the pictures are not as good-looking as last year, but they are closer to real life.
Anyway, if it's convenient for you, leave me a piece of your birthday cake :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

说说我记得的凡尔赛宫花园(3) - Le Bassin de Latone

// 好久没写了呀,继续补完:)


Bassin de Latone在凡尔赛宫的正北方,但喷泉的地基高度低于城堡的地面,所以从城堡门口望去应该正好只能看到喷泉顶部Latona的雕像。Latona是Apollo和Diana的母亲,她是Zeus的新娘之一,因为Zeus的妻子Hera非常妒忌,她只好躲到一个小岛上才生下了Apollo和Diana。在分娩之后,她来到了Lycia,希望能从池塘中喝一点水,但是Lycia的农民把池塘中的水搅混,不让她喝水,于是Latona呼唤Jupiter的帮助,Jupiter回应了她的请求并把追赶他们的农民变成了青蛙和蜥蜴,惩罚他们一生都在泥浆中生活。喷泉下面几层的雕像就是这些青蛙和蜥蜴。

(图片引自Versailles 1687)

我们现在看到的这个Bassin de Latone也被称为la nouvelle Fontaine de Latone,因为原先在这个地方曾经建有另外一个Fontaine de Latone,如下图所示。原来的喷泉建于1670年,由Marsy兄弟设计,中间是Latona和她的孩子的雕像,周围水里有六只被变成青蛙的农民,再外围地上还有24只青蛙。这时Latona是面向城堡的。后来在1687到1689年间,由Jules Hardouin-Mansart改建,Latona的雕像被改为放在一个大理石的台基上,面向大运河。

(图片引自Versailles 1687)


Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pray (2) - Answer

It can always be worse,
and it will never be better.

Round Trip (4) - Yearly greetings


"They are no longer there, but the peach blossoms they watched together still are (I cannot translate this...)." Nature is actually more faithful than human being. Another red-leaf season is coming, and then seasons of Christmas light, camellia, plum, and then sakura blossoms again. Year and year, time is indeed a mysterious thing.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Run! 09/11/06 long break

Last weekend I was in Beijing, and heavy snow... oei :s So no working out. And then today's short run turned out to be kind a pain: 5.5km/40min, with 2 breaks at 2.0km and 4.0km.

Half marathon in March seems quite mission impossible, euh, worrying... Anyway, I'll do my best *^o^*