Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When an earthquake comes...

Here are what happens and what to do!

Background knowledge: In Japan, earthquake scale is evaluated with a 1-to-7 7-scale system, while 1 is the weakest and 7 is the strongest.

Caution: This is for entertainment. Don’t take it too serious!

Scale 1

What happens: I’m not sure who is shaking, the earth or me.

What to do: Relax, your own inquietude is more annoying than the earthquake.

Scale 2

What happens: I’m sure it’s not me but the earth. If you are a light sleeper like me, you’ll probably be waken up.

What to do: Relax, just turn around and continue to sleep.

Scale 3

What happens: I hesitate about hiding under the desk or not. Hmm, probably not necessary.

What to do: Relax, it comes, and it goes. If you aren’t Japanese, you can complain up to 3 sentences about it. For the Japanese, up to 1.

Scale 4

What happens: Okay I’m down under the desk, but just me. My Japanese colleagues just take a pause at their seats and then back to work. Trains will have delays, prepare to arrive home late.

What to do: Relax, it’s a bit scary, but it’s already passed. If you aren’t Japanese, you can complain up to 3 minutes about it. For the Japanese, up to 1.

Scale 5

What happens: Most people in the office down under the desk. Elevators stop automatically. Severe delays with train, prepare to arrive home very late. May encounter some mobile network problems.

What to do: Let’s talk about it to relax, and then go back to work. This is not a big deal yet. We are in Japan, remember that?

Scale 6

What happens: Everyone in the office down under the desk and more or less scared. Elevators and gas and electricity stop automatically. Mobile network will have some problems if it’s still usable. Trains completely stop for several hours or even longer.

What to do: No panic. Follow the instruction of the location where you are. You may need to leave the building. Take warm clothes when you go outside. Prepare some food and water because you may not be able to get home today. Wear comfortable shoes if you decide to walk home. Be precautious of aftershock and tsunami, which are not rare at all in case of an earthquake of this scale.

Scale 7

What happens: No practical experience...

What to do: Pray. If the god does hear your prayer and you survive with all your arms and legs, be very precautious of aftershock and tsunami. They can be really strong in this case.

PS: Always do this if possible: get more news from TV, radio and Internet.

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