is that it doesn't provide enough support to their side projects, while where I like it is that it provides plenty of interesting projects which have promising potential development.
Well, I played with Google calendar sync for a while to synchronize my Google calendar with the local outlook one. To get rid of some annoying "CANCELED" events that appear everyday in my deleted folder, I tried the advice in the user forum to export my Google calendar, delete those events, and then import it back. And guess what happened? I couldn't import it back!
Finally I got it back, but now all historical events become private and creator information is lost. So I lost the precious birthday event created by someone else for me long long time ago... so sad :(
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Riri is leaving
I was drunk tonight, after 2 Kirin beers and a plume wine and a Chimay blue. It felt like that I was doing the homework that should be done years ago. The Newsweek last week presented an article, which claimed that we could change our memories when they came once more into our minds. So if I imagine really hard now that I had done all I wanted to do, maybe they will be carved into my memories as if they did happen?
Riri is leaving by the end of next month. I know his departure is just making the distance growing from 4 hours to 12 hours, that's all. As Hongfei said, I could visit him in France, and he could visit me in Tokyo. We might be able to meet quite often, but I still feel so scared. I want him to be always my little brother, always so close to me. After his departure, I don't know who I can still talk with about my absurd sadness regarding the meaning of life.
Sad but beautiful. Beautiful but sad. It has been so many years that I told Rick I was greater than him because I was brave while knowing the life to be beautiful but sad. I'm so happy that Lee will come to Tokyo next month. Let's drow ourselves with alcohol. Let's forget the past with restless trips.
Please, please fill my life with a meaning, please shine my life with a bit hope, please keep a trace in my life. Darkness granted me dark eyes, but I use them to look for lights. Sad but beautiful. I dreamed that one day you would be here with me. I know you would appreciate that how hard people here try to live a happy life, to make it more beautiful.
The bar tonight named Grafton, where we could never go back according to Dido's new song. 7 years later, once again I feel that I don't want to speak any word with anyone. What is the meaning of speaking if no one want to listen? Riri is so important for me, because he makes me feel that I means something to him. There will be constant rains here in June. I'm so afraid of seeing your mirage through the raindrops. I'm afraid of reaching out my hands in vain. There won't be anyone ever again knows me as well as you did. It all passed, it's all passed away. You will never come back. I can never go back. What we lost is lost.
"Il fait beau comme jamais". Oui, il y a eu un moment, et alors, le moment-là ne revenira jamais. Sorry I didn't try Chimay blue with you in Belgium, however, I'm happy that I tasted it at last and do like it a lot.
"Fare is not well, but farewell, my friend". Riri my dear brother, wish you a far better life than mine, and may you have all your sweet dreams come true.
Riri is leaving by the end of next month. I know his departure is just making the distance growing from 4 hours to 12 hours, that's all. As Hongfei said, I could visit him in France, and he could visit me in Tokyo. We might be able to meet quite often, but I still feel so scared. I want him to be always my little brother, always so close to me. After his departure, I don't know who I can still talk with about my absurd sadness regarding the meaning of life.
Sad but beautiful. Beautiful but sad. It has been so many years that I told Rick I was greater than him because I was brave while knowing the life to be beautiful but sad. I'm so happy that Lee will come to Tokyo next month. Let's drow ourselves with alcohol. Let's forget the past with restless trips.
Please, please fill my life with a meaning, please shine my life with a bit hope, please keep a trace in my life. Darkness granted me dark eyes, but I use them to look for lights. Sad but beautiful. I dreamed that one day you would be here with me. I know you would appreciate that how hard people here try to live a happy life, to make it more beautiful.
The bar tonight named Grafton, where we could never go back according to Dido's new song. 7 years later, once again I feel that I don't want to speak any word with anyone. What is the meaning of speaking if no one want to listen? Riri is so important for me, because he makes me feel that I means something to him. There will be constant rains here in June. I'm so afraid of seeing your mirage through the raindrops. I'm afraid of reaching out my hands in vain. There won't be anyone ever again knows me as well as you did. It all passed, it's all passed away. You will never come back. I can never go back. What we lost is lost.
"Il fait beau comme jamais". Oui, il y a eu un moment, et alors, le moment-là ne revenira jamais. Sorry I didn't try Chimay blue with you in Belgium, however, I'm happy that I tasted it at last and do like it a lot.
"Fare is not well, but farewell, my friend". Riri my dear brother, wish you a far better life than mine, and may you have all your sweet dreams come true.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Les chansons d'amour观感
Les chansons d'amour,Christophe Honoré执导的歌舞剧,其实只有歌没有舞,叫音乐剧或者更合适一点。中文译名非常之发指的译成了《巴黎小情歌》,真不明白那个“小”字是从哪里来的。2007年上映,不算是一部新片子了。刚上映的时候Xiaodan就去看了,而且还特别向我推荐了一番。不过那时候我只是觉得Alex Beaupain的歌不错,剧情不太看得进去,感觉有点乱,对于男主角的取向问题甚是迷惑。
在和在我的ipod里闲置了半年之后,我忽然重新发现并爱上了这两首歌,于是捎带着把电影也翻出来又复习了一遍,然后就也爱上了这部电影。现在时不时的就找出来复习一下,而且每次看到最后Ismaël说"Aime-moi moins, mais aime-moi longtemps"的时候都非常没有出息地会哭出来。
不是个很容易看懂的电影,因为其中有很多暗示和隐喻,比如Ismaël从公墓(据说是Cimetière de Montmartre)出来看到街边的霓虹灯招牌写着Bretagne于是就想起了Erwann(因为Erwann是个breton,布列塔尼人)。我看的版本中文字幕翻译得不太合我的口味,好在学外语就是有这么点好处,可以直接看原文的,呵呵。
下面是Erwann的同学在嘲笑他大早上起来感叹"Il fait beau comme jamais"的时候朗诵的那首诗,感觉相当符合当时的情绪啊。
不是个很容易看懂的电影,因为其中有很多暗示和隐喻,比如Ismaël从公墓(据说是Cimetière de Montmartre)出来看到街边的霓虹灯招牌写着Bretagne于是就想起了Erwann(因为Erwann是个breton,布列塔尼人)。我看的版本中文字幕翻译得不太合我的口味,好在学外语就是有这么点好处,可以直接看原文的,呵呵。
下面是Erwann的同学在嘲笑他大早上起来感叹"Il fait beau comme jamais"的时候朗诵的那首诗,感觉相当符合当时的情绪啊。
Le cri du butor
Louis Aragon
Maintenant que la jeunesse
S'éteint au carreau bleui
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Machinale m'a trahi
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Tu t'en souviens souviens-t-en
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Chante à d'autres le printemps
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Détourne ses yeux lilas
Maintenant que la jeunesse
N'est plus ici n'est plus là
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Sur d'autres chemins légers
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Suit un nuage étranger
Maintenant que la jeunesse
A fui voleur généreux
Me laissant mon droit d'aînesse
Et l'argent de mes cheveux
Il fait beau à n'y pas croire
Il fait beau comme jamais
Quel temps quel temps sans mémoire
On ne sait plus comment voir
Ni se lever ni s'asseoir
Il fait beau comme jamais
C'est un temps contre nature
Comme le ciel des peintures
Comme l'oubli des tortures
Il fait beau comme jamais
Frais comme l'eau sous la rame
Un temps fort comme une femme
Un temps à damner son âme
Il fait beau comme jamais un temps à rire et courir
Un temps à ne pas mourir
Un temps à craindre le pire
Il fait beau comme jamais
Tant pis pour l'homme au sang sombre
Le soleil prouvé par l'ombre
Enjambera les décombres
Louis Aragon
Maintenant que la jeunesse
S'éteint au carreau bleui
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Machinale m'a trahi
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Tu t'en souviens souviens-t-en
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Chante à d'autres le printemps
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Détourne ses yeux lilas
Maintenant que la jeunesse
N'est plus ici n'est plus là
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Sur d'autres chemins légers
Maintenant que la jeunesse
Suit un nuage étranger
Maintenant que la jeunesse
A fui voleur généreux
Me laissant mon droit d'aînesse
Et l'argent de mes cheveux
Il fait beau à n'y pas croire
Il fait beau comme jamais
Quel temps quel temps sans mémoire
On ne sait plus comment voir
Ni se lever ni s'asseoir
Il fait beau comme jamais
C'est un temps contre nature
Comme le ciel des peintures
Comme l'oubli des tortures
Il fait beau comme jamais
Frais comme l'eau sous la rame
Un temps fort comme une femme
Un temps à damner son âme
Il fait beau comme jamais un temps à rire et courir
Un temps à ne pas mourir
Un temps à craindre le pire
Il fait beau comme jamais
Tant pis pour l'homme au sang sombre
Le soleil prouvé par l'ombre
Enjambera les décombres
Btw,不知道为什么,一看这个片子就让我想起我弟,大概是因为Erwann读的是Lycée Colbert?不过我弟念的是Louis-le-Grand,还要更有名一些,hoho。
Thursday, May 14, 2009
说说我记得的凡尔赛宫花园(2) - Le Parterre d'Eau
Le parterre d'Eau是城堡之前的两个池塘,周围的雕像由三组组成:法国的河神(les fleuves de France),水仙(les Nymphes)和三人一组的儿童群像(les groupes d'enfants)。先逐个介绍一下,最后放几张我自己拍的照片。本文中的图片除特别说明之外均引自BlueTravelGuide。
4男4女8位河神代表了法国的8条河流。la打头的好像也不一定是女神,比如La Seine,le打头的也不一定是男神,比如Le Loiret。至于原因我就不太清楚了,知道的人来扫个盲吧:)
4男4女8位河神代表了法国的8条河流。la打头的好像也不一定是女神,比如La Seine,le打头的也不一定是男神,比如Le Loiret。至于原因我就不太清楚了,知道的人来扫个盲吧:)
Nymphes à la carte et aux coraux par Philippe Magnier.

Nymphes au monstre marin et aux oiseaux par Pierre Legros I.

南池的。Nymphes au monstre marin et aux oiseaux par Pierre Legros I.
Nymphes à la cruche et à la corne d'abondance par Jean Raon.

Nymphes aux fleurs et aux perles par Étienne Le Hongre.

Nymphes aux fleurs et aux perles par Étienne Le Hongre.
Groupes au cygne par Jacques Buirette et François Lespingola.

Groupe au flambeau par Pierre Granier.

Groupe à la figure assise et à l'oiseau par Jean Dugoulon.

Groupes à la figure debout tenant un oiseau par Simon Mazière.

Groupe au flambeau par Pierre Granier.
Groupe à la figure assise et à l'oiseau par Jean Dugoulon.
Groupes à la figure debout tenant un oiseau par Simon Mazière.
Groupe aux dauphins par François Lespingola.

Groupe à la figure assise tenant un miroir par Pierre Laviron et terminé à sa mort par Pierre Legros I.

Groupe à la figure debout tenant un miroir par Jean Poultier.

Groupe à la figure soufflant dans une conque par Cornelius Van Cleve.

Groupe à la figure assise tenant un miroir par Pierre Laviron et terminé à sa mort par Pierre Legros I.
Groupe à la figure debout tenant un miroir par Jean Poultier.
Groupe à la figure soufflant dans une conque par Cornelius Van Cleve.
Monday, May 11, 2009
东京国立博物馆大概应当算是日本最“官方”的博物馆了。创设于1872年(明治5年),是日本历史最悠久的博物馆。历经多次沿革,现在的展馆由本馆,东洋馆,表庆馆,法隆寺宝物馆,平成馆,五部分组成。 本馆展示的是常设展中的精华,国宝级的近代古代绘画及各类工艺作品琳琅满目。东洋馆主要展示中国和朝鲜相关的藏品。表庆馆一般用于特别展和一些讲座活动。法隆寺宝物馆专藏1878年奈良法隆寺向皇室进献的300件宝物。平成馆是最新的一座,1999年(平成11年)才建成,主要用于企画展。
我去过东京国立博物馆两次,都是在2009年,分别参观天皇即位20周年纪念展(御即位20年記念 特別展「皇室の名宝-日本美の華」)的前期和后期。展览的主题是皇室的名宝——日本的美之花,展品涵盖了日本传统艺术的各个方面,宫内厅的三之丸尚藏馆和京都事务所都送来了不少平时藏在皇宫中难得一见的珍品。(以下作品图片除特别说明外均引自宫内厅网站。)
附: 东京国立博物馆主页。
附: 东京国立博物馆主页。
In Museums
Life in Japan
日本, 〒110-0007 東京都台東区上野公園13−9 東京国立博物館
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Hi guys, I know most of you will laugh at me for inserting an advertisement banner to my blog. Well, let's just consider it as sharing... for I'm indeed using the pod101 for learning languages. They have a fabulous podcast series including French, German, Japanese, etc. All levels! From beginners to advanced! Euh, enough blabla, I begin to feel more and more ashamed... :s
Anyway, learning a foreign language is really a nice thing to do at leisure. Do have a try :)
Following is my recommendation:
Anyway, learning a foreign language is really a nice thing to do at leisure. Do have a try :)
Following is my recommendation:
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
凡尔赛花园作为凡尔赛城堡的一部分,由太阳王路易十四下令建设,到他死的时候也并没有最终完成,不过城堡和花园都已经基本成形。游客常去的景点基本集中于城堡正门至大运河起点处之间的一小段,其实整个花园含大小特里阿农(Trianon)在内共占地815公顷,在一天之内逛遍整个花园绝对是个mission impossible。
Statistics on number of pictures taken
This chart is drawn based on the number of pictures I took per month in the recent 5 years, say, after I had my own digi-camera. It's just a rough statistic, however, I can still distinguish quite easily when I made a trip, when I was extremely depressed, etc. For example, from October 2005 to March 2006, I took almost no pictures at all, which was coincidentally the period I was considering to quit my phd. June 2006 to January 2007 appears to be a solid peak in the chart, during which I had a close friend who was really in love with photography.
So generally speaking, my happiest time is summer holidays, and most down time is winter holidays. Well, both are holidays, but seems quite different for me. Maybe during the spring festival, I am always too busy with food... That's reasonable... By the way, the overall number leads to somewhat around 13000, somehow a bit less than I thought. According to my memories, there are indeed part of pictures missing. Hmm, pity. I can probably never find them back, though I probably wouldn't mind to lose some of them... That's life.
Anyway, useful and interesting data, aren't they? Then how about yours? Show them! :D
So generally speaking, my happiest time is summer holidays, and most down time is winter holidays. Well, both are holidays, but seems quite different for me. Maybe during the spring festival, I am always too busy with food... That's reasonable... By the way, the overall number leads to somewhat around 13000, somehow a bit less than I thought. According to my memories, there are indeed part of pictures missing. Hmm, pity. I can probably never find them back, though I probably wouldn't mind to lose some of them... That's life.
Anyway, useful and interesting data, aren't they? Then how about yours? Show them! :D
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